25 September 2014

vocales, consonantes:
casa del mundo.

An interweaving
of vowels and consonants:
the house of the world.

Eliot Weinberger

18 September 2014

Troncos y paja:
por las rendijas entran
Budas e insectos.

Straw thatch and tree trunks:
they come in through the crannies:
Buddhas and insects.

Eliot Weinberger

11 September 2014

Esto que digo
son apenas tres lineas:
choza de silabas.

What I am saying
barely fills up the three lines:
hut of syllables.

Eliot Weinberger

4 September 2014


short summer nights--
I've grown old enough
to love them

translated by david g. lanoue