31 December 2011
29 December 2011
27 December 2011
trzy słowa najdziwniejsze | trois mots des plus étranges
Kiedy wymawiam słowo Przyszłość,
pierwsza sylaba odchodzi już do przeszłości.
Kiedy wymawiam słowo Cisza,
niszczę ją.
Kiedy wymawiam słowo Nic,
stwarzam coś, co nie mieści się w żadnym niebycie.
Quand je prononce le mot Avenir,
la première syllabe s’en va déjà dans le passé.
Quand je prononce le mot Silence,
je le détruis.
Quand je prononce le mot Rien,
je crée quelque chose qui ne tiendra dans aucun néant.
traduction : Isabelle Jannès-Kalinowski
pierwsza sylaba odchodzi już do przeszłości.
Kiedy wymawiam słowo Cisza,
niszczę ją.
Kiedy wymawiam słowo Nic,
stwarzam coś, co nie mieści się w żadnym niebycie.
Quand je prononce le mot Avenir,
la première syllabe s’en va déjà dans le passé.
Quand je prononce le mot Silence,
je le détruis.
Quand je prononce le mot Rien,
je crée quelque chose qui ne tiendra dans aucun néant.
traduction : Isabelle Jannès-Kalinowski
24 December 2011
22 December 2011
20 December 2011
picture by odin's_raven's
Before the explanation that I got when looking at the set, the picture itself passed this impression of a disturbing place. The elements are there of course, with the grafitti or the door on the floor. But not only.
I think the point of view taken enhances the feeling, as the lines in the perspective point to the corner. Everything concentrates on the door that is open, what lies behind it?
And there are the colors, that well captured, a bit faded, the destructed orange of the door and the dirty wallpaper. This picture illustrates that the point of view of the photographer is the key for a perfect picture.
I think the point of view taken enhances the feeling, as the lines in the perspective point to the corner. Everything concentrates on the door that is open, what lies behind it?
And there are the colors, that well captured, a bit faded, the destructed orange of the door and the dirty wallpaper. This picture illustrates that the point of view of the photographer is the key for a perfect picture.
17 December 2011
15 December 2011
13 December 2011
10 December 2011
9 December 2011
8 December 2011
6 December 2011
3 December 2011
29 November 2011
26 November 2011
22 November 2011
potter y su naranja
picture by rafallano
This is a brilliant child portrait. Unconventional, yes, but not only. The freezing of the movement of the tangerine, giving the impression of magic in the air, the serious and concentrated expression of the kid, the depth of field: all concur for the capture of a moment in the childhood, when the world is still a magic place.
Last but not least the toning and the palette (orange and green) create a bright, vivid atmosphere, while slightly awkard.
Just perfect.
Last but not least the toning and the palette (orange and green) create a bright, vivid atmosphere, while slightly awkard.
Just perfect.
19 November 2011
17 November 2011
15 November 2011
12 November 2011
10 November 2011
8 November 2011
urnas e brisas
entre estas urnas tão claras e lisas,
escolherei a das minhas cinzas.
embora me pareça que as brisas
são urnas mais claras, mais lisas, mais finas,
e levem mais longe essas leves cinzas
que restarem de tão breves ruínas...
escolherei a das minhas cinzas.
embora me pareça que as brisas
são urnas mais claras, mais lisas, mais finas,
e levem mais longe essas leves cinzas
que restarem de tão breves ruínas...
5 November 2011
3 November 2011
1 November 2011
zaman akar | time flows
picture by ichbincan
This pictures send me back directly to surrealism. There is of course the direct reference to Dali, with the clocks, but not only. I remember seeing early surrealist pictures of stairs and shoes, and this picture resonates with that.
Additionally, the composition is quite well done, but not immediatelly revealed. The line that goes from bottom right and winds up the stairway brings the eye to the watches in the back, with a brilliant combinantion of depth of field.
I wish I had taken this!
Additionally, the composition is quite well done, but not immediatelly revealed. The line that goes from bottom right and winds up the stairway brings the eye to the watches in the back, with a brilliant combinantion of depth of field.
I wish I had taken this!
29 October 2011
28 October 2011
26 October 2011
le jardin qui doucement traverse le chat
n’est ce pas plutôt
le jardin qui doucement
traverse le chat
não seria
o jardim que tranquilamente
atravessa o gato?
le jardin qui doucement
traverse le chat
não seria
o jardim que tranquilamente
atravessa o gato?
24 October 2011
22 October 2011
21 October 2011
17 October 2011
13 October 2011
8 October 2011
7 October 2011
5 October 2011
1 October 2011
pudełeczko | petite boite
Nie wiedząc co zrobić z dniem
i nocą, wymyśliłem
dla ciebie (i dla siebie też)
pudełko do liczenia przed
snem: siedem, siedem, osiem...
Ne sachant que faire du jour
et de la nuit, j’ai inventé
pour toi (et pour moi aussi)
une petite
boîte pour compter avant
de s’endormir : sept, sept, huit…
traduction : Isabelle Jannès-Kalinowski
i nocą, wymyśliłem
dla ciebie (i dla siebie też)
pudełko do liczenia przed
snem: siedem, siedem, osiem...
Ne sachant que faire du jour
et de la nuit, j’ai inventé
pour toi (et pour moi aussi)
une petite
boîte pour compter avant
de s’endormir : sept, sept, huit…
traduction : Isabelle Jannès-Kalinowski
30 September 2011
28 September 2011
25 September 2011
23 September 2011
21 September 2011
19 September 2011
17 September 2011
16 September 2011
15 September 2011
14 September 2011
13 September 2011
11 September 2011
cisza | silence
Nawet w wielkim mieście zapada
niekiedy cisza i słychać, jak po
chodniku, pchane przez wiatr,
przesuwają się zeszłoroczne liście,
w ich nie kończącej się wędrówce
ku zniszczeniu.
Dans les grandes villes aussi s’abat
quelquefois le silence et l’on entend,
sur les trottoirs, emmenées par le vent,
glisser les feuilles de l’an passé
en leur interminable errance
vers le néant.
traduction : Marie Grocholska
niekiedy cisza i słychać, jak po
chodniku, pchane przez wiatr,
przesuwają się zeszłoroczne liście,
w ich nie kończącej się wędrówce
ku zniszczeniu.
Dans les grandes villes aussi s’abat
quelquefois le silence et l’on entend,
sur les trottoirs, emmenées par le vent,
glisser les feuilles de l’an passé
en leur interminable errance
vers le néant.
traduction : Marie Grocholska
9 September 2011
7 September 2011
5 September 2011
3 September 2011
30 August 2011
vers le soir | ao cair da noite
Vers le soir
à ton double destin :
habiter le coeur du paysage
et faire signe
aux filantes étoiles
ao cair da noite
à teu duplo destino:
viver em meio à paisagem
e acenar para
cadentes estrelas
26 August 2011
荘子 が夢心 | a alma sonhadora de chuang tzu
você a borboleta
eu, a alma sonhadora
de Chuang Tzu
23 August 2011
22 August 2011
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